Us “Wild Ginger Girls” believe we should continually review what we are doing and how it may impact our environment (and indeed our local community).
We are very proud to be able to make it public knowledge that between us here at The Wild Ginger we make daily decisions and steps to help maintain the “3 R's” ….. That being “Reduce, Reuse & Recycle.”
We make a conscious decision to reduce the amount of waste we produce.
The beautiful items selected and brought in for our customers are protected, during their journey, by our suppliers so they arrive in perfect condition. Sadly, POLYSTYRENE is often used (but thankfully not always) to protect items. On delivery days it looks like it’s been snowing in here as the yucky stuff flies out of the wrappings and boxes! We hate it with a passion. So, Sarah has done her homework and was super happy to find a local business in nearby Blackpool who recycle polyestrene, so it doesn’t end up in landfill.
The CARDBOARD boxes your goodies are delivered in are collected and recycled by a local community charity called “One Fylde” ( previously known as Ormerod Home Trust & Fylde Community Link). This charity not only collects and recycles cardboard boxes and packaging it also provides jobs for local individuals too!
Any supplier packaging we can reuse safely, we do i.e. we clean and reuse bubble wrap we receive. We use it to safely package up goodies purchased in store or online.
Our shop also uses GREEN energy provided by SSE. Its all too easy to go for the cheapest electricity supplier, but often they won’t be green or renewable and paying that little bit extra is so worth it.
Any spent BATTERIES we have used we bring across to our local Co-op for recycling. Any small amount of glass and plastic that we use in store is also popped into the appropriate recycling bins.
Lastly, we don’t use PLASTIC BAGS (yuck!) as the bags available in store to take your lovely new goodies home in, are good quality, strong paper bags that can then themselves be reused or recycled!
It's all good news and still more to be done and achieved. Bit by bit we will get there. We hope you are pleased to hear it :)
The Wild Ginger Girls